Vienne City Gnarathon 2023
In terms of skateboarding, a lot is happening in Vienna this year! Another mega event will take place on June 3, 2023, the 1st Vienna City Gnarathon.
Obstacles are set up at 3 stations across the city, which can then be skated to your heart's content. The event was brought to life by the Skateboard Club Vienna together with Paul Labadie, skateboard filmmaker and head of Ashes Griptape.
It starts at 10 a.m. at Karlsplatz. A line with a "Ride On Wave" awaits you here.
From 2 p.m. the event moves to the Danube with a downhill line with kicker and double quarter pipe.
From 6 p.m. everyone meets at the waterfront for the last skate event and the after party. A gap and a hitherto secret obstacle await all skate enthusiasts here.
The Gnarathon is an inclusive event where everyone is welcome and there are dedicated FLINTA* sessions.
The event is supported by Vans, Carhartt, Independent, Nixon, Ashes, Spoff Parks, There Skateboards, Brav Magazin, ABD Magazin, Griesskirchner Bier, Wiener Städtische, Stadt Wien, Freedom Skateshop and Stil Laden.
All important information can be found at:
It's going to be MEGA, we hope to see you there!